Yes, there may be fees associated with using MetaMask Extension and Coinbase Extension.
MetaMask Extension charges gas fees for all transactions made on the Ethereum blockchain. These fees are paid in ETH and go towards compensating the network's miners for processing and validating transactions. The gas fee amount depends on the current network congestion and the complexity of the transaction being executed.
Coinbase Extension also charges fees for buying, selling, and exchanging cryptocurrencies through the Coinbase platform. The fees vary depending on the type of transaction, the cryptocurrency being traded, and the size of the transaction.
In addition to these fees, it's important to note that there may be other costs associated with using MetaMask Extension and Coinbase Extension, such as withdrawal fees or network fees charged by third-party wallets or exchanges.
It's important to review and understand the fees associated with using these extensions before making any transactions to avoid unexpected costs.