What are the steps to recover the Spotify account?
When the user wants to log into Spotify by using the device of third-party, you need to use the username of the device that is assigned by Spotify to your account.
You require the Facebook login details to connect to the program on your desktop that leaves the user to remember the password. The username is hard to remember and is in the numerical form. They also require the users to set the password. So, it is quite obvious that the users can forget the Spotify device username or the password. Thankfully, fixing this problem is not that big deal.
Recovery of the Spotify account:
If the username is confused about How To Recover The Spotify Account, then the following steps can be taken to recover the account.
· The first step is to open Spotify on your computer. It has a green circle with three black sound waves in it. This can be found on the start menu on windows or in the Application folder.
· The next step is to click on the “Reset password” button that is situated at the bottom of the page. When you are logged out, you will see the option at the bottom of the login page. Through this, you will be redirected to the password reset page in your internet browser.
· The next step is to enter the username and email address on the password reset page where you have to click on the text field and type the email address linked with the Spotify account of the user.
· Then, the user has to click on the green send button. Once you click on this, it will send you an email with a link that will be helpful to reset the account password.
· The email has to be opened form Spotify in your mailbox. The user has to open the browser in your mail app and open the Spotify email that will be titled as “Reset your password”.
· The next step to be taken is to click on the reset password button in the email where you will be redirected to the reset password page in the new tab. The username will be found in the email.
· The user has to enter the new account in the field of “New Password”. This will be the new password from which you can log in with your email or username. Ensure that you enter the same password in the “Repeat new password” field to verify.
· The username has to complete the captcha task. The first step is to click on “I’m not a robot” box and then complete the given tasks.
· The last step is to click on the green button that will set your password.