In all seriousness, homework is extremely important to the learning process. Though school can help, it is you that must put in the effort, your end of the bargain, in order to gain a better education.
As any successful person will tell you, you need to practice, practice, practice over and over in order to nail something to near perfection.
But why?
Though you may not realize it now(as the teenage brain is impulsive by design), your decisions now will deeply impact your future, and it’s crucial that you understand this ASAP in order to achieve success.For example, imagine that you do finish your math homework. Because you did it, you understand it more. You get a 71 on your math test the next day. It’s not the best, but you feel proud, knowing you tried and actively participated. It’s not intelligence teachers look for: it’s diligence.
However, imagine you never did that homework assignment. You do not understand the material fully the next day, and you get a 63 on your math test. It’s a failing grade, and your reputation is tarnished, as well as your academic career.