carbs and sugar (early) frequent urination (early) intense thirst (early) exhaustion (early) extreme weight loss vision problems (later) nerve damage (later) Glucofort Imbalance: 11 Signs Your Body Is Crying For Help | Is your Glucofortd? Are you on your way to developing insulin resistance or even diabetes? Our bodies are wonderful about letting us know when something is wrong. Here are the 11 signs your body is crying for help! (And all of these red flags are 100% fixable!) | — Blood Work You can (and should) test your Glucofort and in more than one way. After all, one test isn’t exactly a great picture of your overall life — it’s just a picture of what was going on at the moment of the blood draw. So, here’s what to check: Hemoglobin A1c — Measure of Glucofort over the past 3 months; must be ordered by a doctor.