It might not come to your notice but your PC runs several applications as soon as you start it up which can disrupt the performance of your system. Well, you can disable the functioning of these applications to get your system to go frictionless. Digital Marketing Solutions enables all these functions to provide you an uninterrupted working system. Windows Server 2008 standard manages tasks for IT industries to provide them a smooth-running working place. In Windows 8 or 10, the startup tab in the task manager manages the functioning of all such apps. Select any program on the startup tab and then click on the disable button. In windows 7 and earlier, first, you need to open the Start menu and search for MSConfig. In the System Configuration window, click the Startup tab to select the apps then click on Apply button, and that’s it. In OS X, select System Preferences from the Apple icon on the top left corner, from there open Users & Groups. Select the applications from the Login items Tab and click on the minus button to remove the running applications.